
Happy May, loved ones! Today was Grandfriends Day, which is one of the most busy and fun days of the school year! We had many special visitors. It was a joy to have them in our new building spending time in our community and letting them get a glimpse into what school life is like. Please send our appreciation and love to all that came to visit.
This week we have been continuing our Insect Study by talking about pollinators. We learned that "pollinators" are beneficial insects that spread pollen around, which makes more seeds grow. Jake's mom gave our classroom some young vegetable plants, so the past few days we have been fluffing up soil, putting it in pots and potting up the plant starts so that they have room to spread their roots and grow. We also planted some wildflower seeds to attract pollinators to our school. Planting has brought in scientific concepts such as how seeds mature into plants. We made predictions on how long it would take for the seeds to emerge. Some friends predicted we would see sprouts within "1 long" or 2 days, others guess "a hundred" or even "a million" days. 
We often say "insects help the Earth" and this week we learned more about what exactly that means. Our friends identified that insects, spiders and other creatures like to be around flowers. Many humans like flowers too! But we learned that some insects drink the nectar from flowers, and in this process the flower rubs pollen on the insect. Once the pollinator moves to a new flower to drink more nectar, they spread pollen which helps produce more seeds. By spreading pollen around and helping make new seeds, the Earth has more flowers which makes lots of happy kids, insects and more!
To help us learn about which insects are considered pollinators and how more about how pollination works, we watched the first 2-ish minutes of this video:
You can watch it with your tiny person too!
This weekend if you are outside, observe the flowers that are starting to bloom and see if you can spot any pollinators nearby!
  • Book Fair: Running today and tomorrow (see email for more details)
  • May 27th: School closed in observation of Memorial Day
  • June 6th: Last day of school, Early Dismissal
We are asking for families to please donate empty egg cartons and baby food jars for future projects that we plan to do. Thank you in advance.
Questions to ask:
  • "What's your favorite pollinator?"
  • "What did you put the seeds into?"
  • "What will the seeds grow into?"
  • "How many days do you think it will take for the seeds to sprout?"
  • "Who are some of the people that came to Grandfriends Day?"