Teacher Margaret's "View From My Window" - September 9th

In the second week of school, routines are being established. Teachers take time now to establish the habits and practices that will support student learning across the year. In many cases teachers will explain the practice, such as how to hang up their backpack in the morning or put away their math workbooks, then teachers will model the practice, and finally, they will have the students practice it. These practices include establishing practices of greeting and working as peers in a classroom. One of the important ways of fostering a positive classroom culture is the morning meeting. For instance, in the First Grade morning meeting, Teacher Fozia and her students go round the circle and greet each other. The pattern is as follows: Teacher Fozia will look at me and say “Good Morning Teacher Margaret” and I reply “Good Morning Teacher Fozia” then I look around the circle for someone who hasn’t been greeted yet and I say “Good Morning Teacher Cindy” and she replies “Good Morning Teacher Margaret”. This repeats until everyone has been greeted!  The meeting may focus on affirmations and celebrations. It may also include a review of the day’s schedule. 

Yesterday in Meeting For Worship, our Eighth Grade students shared with the gathered school the two queries they had rewritten for us to consider. I say re-written because they begin with queries found in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s Faith and Practice. This month the queries focus on the topic of integrity. Teachers will ask students to think about these queries over the next few weeks. Integrity is a part of the school’s broader year-long theme: “We seek a society with equity and justice for all.”  I hope that you will ask your children how they might answer these queries. Equally important, I hope you will share with them your thoughts on these queries.


  • Original: What is the interplay between simplicity and integrity in the life of our meeting/school?
  • Eighth Grade Version: What is the connection between being simple and being honest in the life of our school?
  • Original: How do I strive to achieve harmony between my inner and outer commitments in my spiritual journey, my work, my family, and my other responsibilities?
  • Eighth Grade Version: How do I work to achieve harmony between my inner beliefs and outer actions at school, at home, and with friends?


We are still working our way through individual student school pictures, the rain got in the way today. We will be sure to give every student the opportunity to have their picture taken! 







What I am reading:


Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett

Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett


The Power of Our Words by Paula Denton

The Power of Our Words by Paula Denton