“To be, or not to be: that is the question..."

The 6th Grade would like to give these Special Thanks:
A very special thanks to Teacher Josh for making our skull on the 3-D printer, for manning the lights, and for being our soundman! We appreciate your incredible support; you are awesome!!

Mrs.Parry would also like to extend thanks to Maya B. for taking on a solo number; you took up the challenge with terrific results. Also a big thank you to Landon R. for being willing to take on both of Mark S.'s parts since he wasn't able to be here during the play.

Thank you, too, to Ms.Fielding and Mrs. Cope for forgiving up some of their class time to give us extra time to practice.

And, as always, thank you Teacher Christian for filling in for Mrs. Parry when she can't be with us and for giving us help and guidance throughout the practices!
Hamlet play

See more PHOTOS from the play!