6th Grade Learns About Ancient India

bh16th Grade had a party on Friday to celebrate the end of learning about Ancient India and reading The Bridge Home, by Padma Venkatraman.
This book is about two sisters who leave their abusive home and flee to another city where they meet two homeless boys. The one sister, named Rukku, is mentally disabled but has a talent for making bead necklaces, which are sold for money used to buy food. 
Class parent, Khalida Mahmood made Biryani, a fragrant and delicious mixed rice dish originating among the Muslims of South Asia.
Class parent, Kristina Van Name, also bought a few tasting platters from Naan Indian Bistro, in Moorestown.
And finally, class parents, Jessica Bacon and Shantay Dinks, sent in beads so we could make our own necklaces. 
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