Teacher Margaret's "View From My Window" - May 30th

5.30.24 windows


Dear Friends, 


We do joy well. Every morning from our youngest children in Preschool 2 to our oldest in Eighth Grade, children happily leave their parents, look for their friends and teachers, and step into their school day. This happiness and anticipation provide the context for the amazing, joyful growth that happens here every day, building the resilience to face life’s challenges.

k mischievous bugs play

Joy, growth, and resilience were on display in the Kindergarten play, The Mischievous Bugs. Some of those bugs started the year shy and unsure. In their play, they confidently said their lines, danced their steps and helped each other bring down the house.  


Enjoyment abounded in the Variety Show where students’ hidden talents and passions were shared. We had a comedienne, a magician, a poetess, singers, dancers, a violinist, and piano players. While on stage, they mastered their nerves and trusted their audience to celebrate their performance. 

1st grade pbd

First-grade students shared their passion for protecting New Jersey’s endangered species. After weeks of research, they presented their findings and recommendations to protect the corn snake, osprey, and short-nose sturgeon. Even as they learned hard facts about humans’ impact on these animals, they found courage and joy in their agency to help save these animals. 

prekart  prek art2

PreK students have been showing off their year of art learning. The walls in the Team Prek spaces are full of their awe-inspiring interpretations of Georgia O’Keefe,  Jackson Pollock, and Vincent Van Gogh to name just a few. Their ideas and inspirations come through each work of their hands. I expect several creations will find themselves framed and treasured parts of families’ homes. 


Joy pulsated through the gym at Friday night’s middle school dance. Everyone danced, everyone laughed, and smiled. Noticeably absent were smartphones and watches. These students are a community of caring people who planned the dance wanting everyone to have fun and belong.


field day2


field day1

The entire community, including some alums, turned out to laugh, cheer, and race on Field Day. After the races were finished we all sat down together – teachers, students, parents, grandfriends, siblings, and alums – to a well-deserved and enjoyed picnic lunch. 


In Meeting for Worship on Wednesday, students stood and thanked, buddies, teachers, classmates, and friends for all the kindness and support they had provided. One eighth-grade student talked about how Meeting for Worship has helped him slow down and be present. A fourth-grade student shared how important it is to thank others. A first-grade student thanked their eighth-grade buddy for always having a smile for them. And of course, the Prek students chimed in to remind us to be kind to the earth and each other. 


With gratitude for a joyful year of learning.



Margaret Haviland

Margaret Haviland



  • June 5th, the last full day of school, last day of Ex-Day
  • June 6th, final assembly, 8th-grade families invited, live-streamed for others
  • June 6th, half-day, students leave at noon. No Ex-Day
  • June 7th, graduation for Eighth-Grade students and their families, 7th-grade students are expected to help and sing.



Summer Reading

One Community, One Book

The Tale of the Whale

by Karen Swann





The Tale of the Whale by Karen Swann

In our library for Asian Pacific American Month

I Am the Subway 

by Hyo-eun Kim






I Am the Subway  by Hyo-eun Kim

Summer Reading

5th-8th grades

 Turn the Tide

by Elain Dimopoulus



Turn the Tide by Elain Dimopoulus


In our library for Asian Pacific American Month

Sugar in Milk 

by Thrity Umrigar



Sugar in Milk  by Thrity Umrigar


What I am reading

 Wild New World: The Epic Story of Animals and People in America

By Dan Flores


Wild New World: The Epic Story of Animals and People in America By Dan Flores





What I am reading

The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness

by Jonathan Haidt


The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness by Jonathan Haidt